Sunday, July 29, 2012

Some things you may want to see....

On January 20, in the midst of the circus of the 5 dog rescue with DVB I got a message from SH.
I will post what it says and also post an image of the actual image that I printed out.

January 20, 201-5:14 pm
Not a problem, and MY SOLE FOCUS ON DVB IS TO PROVE HER FOR WHAT SHE IS and thats all I will say...
If you know what she IS then you will understand...
as I said I have been down this road and dnt intend to go down it again!
I feel when foster bailed she should have been on fb posting for more fosters
whatever, but she didn't say a word...not 1 word.  She has 3000 contacts, anyway thats a whole nother issue and I AM PISSED she moved rite to the next issue...
EXTREMELY all she worried about was HER NAME AND NOT THOSE DOGS!!!!

(I posted exactly as it was sent to me, including spelling, etc.)

On January 25, 2010 I was messaging with KT...
She knew, and, she stated that "others" knew DVB was a "fing" psycho.
I will, again, type it out as the image is blurry (done with my cell phone - will add clear copies as soon as I can obtain my own scanner).

"She's f'ing psycho! I finally got the email where she said she had nothing to do with you.  I replied to everyone on the list with me that got it and said she was f'ing lying!  I told them how she asked you to take the extra dogs and she would do a fundraiser if you did!  f'ing bitch! Sorry for the language, but long night last night."

On January 17, 2010 I got an email from another person whose name I will not reveal here.
It was in response to an email that DVB had sent out that stated that she had never done "business" with me.
I can prove otherwise...but first I will post the email from RP.

"There is no mystery with regard to who sent the email, RC, she very clearly signed it, put her contact info.
Here is the original email---her email appears at the top (I still have copy of this as well), and full contact
info at the very bottom.  I apologize that the formatting is off, its from a forwarded email.  After it was sent, DVB sent out this email, so I think the bottom line is that no one knows what to make of it, and they just scratched their heads and moved on:
(Following is the official statement from DVB)
My name is DVB and I am mentioned here in the email below but I have no relationship whatsoever with Tedi Spicer and never will.  I just called RC and clarified all.  I got burned big time in this 5 Floyd dog pull.
Thank you.  If anybody wants more information my phone number is xxx-xxx-9768."

Now below I have the screen capture of the Chip In that DVB set up in her name and mine.....the funds I never saw as they were deposited into HER account.  After which she claimed I "robbed" her.

From another person in support of me....

"Thank you for you email.  I do not read the type of emails I received.  I have never read, much less believed, evil, bad or slanderous things about anyone until I am able to ascertain such on my own.

As far as I know and believe about you all as well as C, since she was previously accused of same, is that you love animals, you do the best you can and you work hard like the rest of us to make a difference in this world.

Something I have learned about life...we are all tested.  Our will, our stamina, our creed, out honor, our honesty and our reputation on almost a daily basis.  the more one does to help others and make a difference, the more the controversy, the more lies and the more evil driven, satan effected people will try to destroy.

You have to let it roll off of you or you will go nuts.  Trust me, I know this from my own personal experience.  You must  move forward with even more steam and determination than ever before because it is only out of that with the grace of God that you will ultimately win!

Wishing you all the best with love and a true heart."

Jan 21, 2010
Another person being supportive because it was obvious I was getting raked over the coals for nothing.

"Hang tough, when I thought about it last night, I didn't like the fact that she was posting all over FB every 5 seconds about you.  I didn't know the facts--its not my fight.  My fight is for the animals & thats what it shall be. This is just crazy."

Another email from a really nice lady at a rescue I worked with another rescue.

"Oh yeah, Im perfectly aware she's telling a whopper lie. (meaning DVB)  The people at Floyd county said their jaws dropped when they got the email where she claimed not to even know Tedi.
I have worked hard on a ptbull Boxer at Floyd, gunshot to leg, heavy heartworm load.  DVB emailed me, asked for my phone number, I gave it to her, she said "Pull the dog, I have benefactors, I can get the money for treatment."
Then I never heard from her again.  It's okay, I raised the money myself and the Boxer is going to RR in XXX.
But I saw today that she is proudly sending around emails that she pulled eery dog who was to be euthed at
Spalding, GA...trying to polish her image.
Here's the one thing that bothered me from the beginning.  SHE's IN MIAMI!  Lord knows the Miami Dade shelter is a many emails have you seen about tragic cases coming out of there?  Why isn't she helping her local shelter?  Could it be that she burned them too?  I have no idea..."

The following was an exchange between 2 rescuers who know what really happened....this was just the start of my nightmare with CF and DVB.

"Hi all! Well, I finally got this via the food chain.  The only addresses appearing are the 3 of you, so I want you to know that DVB is lying about not being associated with Tedi Spicer! I know this for a flippin fact re the Floyd 5 dogs especially (and there have been others).  It just really pisses me off that she's leaving Tedi to take all the heat and now has nothing to do with her!  Please. She ASKED TEDI to take the add'l dogs at Floyd.  Plus she had asked me if I could help with transport a couple weeks ago of  these dogs to Savannah GA.  She was going to send me on the road with them without any shots, etc.  It was TEDI that called me and said "NO KIM DON'T GO" because if you get pulled over and these dogs don't have the right paperwork, you can be fined and the dogs can be pts.  So I didn't transport.  I don't go around trashing people but this note below wasn't right at all."
(The note she is referring to is one fro DVB trashing me and telling what was to be the start of a slew of libelous things to come---Tedi)

FB message to me Jan 17, 2010:

"I deleted XXX as friend...she is vicious to many people."

Another young lady showing me support:
"Please don't stop saving dogs because of the bitches that are in rescue (they are everywhere...damn, you can't escape them...)
I don't have a clue what is going on, but I hate that people find a way to interfere with good work.
keep your head up,


This lady read a note I wrote and wrote to give me support...
"came across your note and all the shit you've been going through.  Not that it matters much since I don't rescue or foster but only crosspost when I can and only Pitbulls since they are my passion. but just wanted you to know that I did have "D" on my friend list but no longer.  I really hate the mud slinging and name calling that goes on here sometimes and after reading your note (not that I had heard of any of this from the other person) but I tend to believe your side and after going through her page and skimming over her slanderous notes about you I see she had nothing to back it up with.  Anyway just wanted you to know that I deleted her.  Keep up the good work, XXX"

This is support from a MAJOR rescue down south....she is a really nice lady and I respect her still.
"L is so right in her email below.  I myself have been through it as well and refused to let it destroy me.
I could have easily given up rescue all together but it is not the dogs fault that such evil exists.  They are still just as helpless and defenseless.  I personally have seen evil deeds come back to the ones who do them, threefold!  We have to all strive to be "good rescues" and "good people" heck with the rest of the troublemakers! Good ALWAYS prevails! I have seen a very tight bond between the women fighting to save Floyd dogs.  The strongest and best people I have ever had privilege to work with. I know the dogs that are getting out of there are so thankful for each and every one helping them.  Let us all continue in our plight to free them and to change our world...with one dream shared by one day be a "No Kill Nation!"