Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Link to my main blog....

Please go to my main blog as it explains so much more.....with images there also 
(that are not quite so blurry)...

The link is:

I will also be linking this blog to that one so I can cover all bases....its MY time to speak out!
Without a doubt when "they" see all that I have put out there and exposed, they will start another 
attack on me....let them....there is nothing more they can do to me that would be worse than what they
have already done to our lives.

There are a lot of things starting to "happen", if you will!
I have people that matter offering help as my story (with proof) gets around.
I refuse to let this stand...this is a pack of lies against myself and my family.
I have waited as long as I should have to its my turn.

I have a friend who's buddy is an FBI agent, he has agreed to assist me however he can.
There was the email hacking and the hacking of my deceased fathers back account.
We know who did it....she will know we know in the future as well.
I will be forwarding all info that I have to him and others as the truth needs to be told here.
I have a lot of other info, images, statements, and more that I am just not able to post YET.
When I get the ok they will be posted ....I want everyone to see what has happened here.

I know that not everyone will believe it/me, and thats ok.
But I think all the Cheri and DVB followers out there need to think for a minute as to the
legitimacy of the claims made from them about me.
What physical proof did they have? fact, some of my FB friends that were contacted swearing that I was this horrible animal "abuser" are still waiting for the proof they were told they would get....two and a half years later!  Still waiting....

Even the police report I have in my desk here says things that do NOT add up to what has been said about me online....not even close.  Cant put that up yet, but will as soon as I am told by my attorneys I can.
I WANT to put it up....I want you to see what liars they are!  But I have to be patient....
They only thing anyone has ever had is the word of 3 FB people who had an issue of some kind with me:

Cheri: I owe her money, which she wanted back way before the agreed payment date, and I was unable to pay at that moment.  And also because I would not approve her being on the my board as an exec director.
Cheri has been talking crap and telling blatant LIES about me since November 2008.  She claimed I ROBBED her of her money she sent to me via Paypal!  She offered to lend it to me....when I saw her slamming me for no reason, thats when I told her that she woud never see a penny of that money back.
And I meant it....I warned her to watch what she was saying.
This "woman" has been stalking me and trashing me for 4 YEARS!  Its what others have said to me as being OVERKILL.  Its no longer a matter of  "catching an animal abuser" (which I am NOT), its a personal vendetta....for 2 reasons.  She is STILL trashing me, she is obsessed with me.  What kind of person is this?

DVB:  I "outed" her for being a bad rescue person and a liar, unlike her I HAVE PROOF.  MANY people are aware of this when it comes to DVB.  I also was warned about her by others, but chose to work with her as I though she was nice....she tried to cover her ass with mine.  It worked, temporarily.  Believe me, I will have my day.

RC/HART: She claimed I screwed her on a dog that she pulled, yet I have in black & white her telling me that her foster wanted to adopt him.  So how did I screw her?  I didn't. Oh yeah, and this see Karma already got her!  She is still on MY radar also.

These 3 women started a petition against  me that had approx 142 signatures on it.
Out of the 142 people that signed this pack of lies only 3 live in the state of Illinois.
And I personally knew NONE of them!   Not how is it that they can swear that I was abusing animals?  They had never been to my home, seen my dogs, never met my family...nothing.
In fact, MAY of them live overseas....huh?  You see my point?

And neither had Cheri or DVB.....they were never at my home, nor did they ever express an interest in visiting....I would have made a room available for them, at that time. 

So again, how is it that this has gotten this far?
Most of the women that had posted nasty things about me publicly I THOUGHT were smart women,
its sad that I was so wrong.  I thought they had brains in their as not to be lead into something that was stated by someone who had another agenda.
Instead of focusing on the animals that were dying in the shelters they chose to change the focus to me wit false allegations etc.....all the time dogs were being murdered.  Because I was the talk of the town.
What kind of rescuer is that?

Thank you for reading this far,
Tedi Spicer

A letter on my behalf...

I am aware & have been for quite some time, but have not said anything since it has not really involved me, that there have been nasty statements made about Tedi Spicer and the work she does with animals.  I am usually one who does not get into others business, however, when threats are made and my name is involved or attached to organizations I am affiliated with, it becomes an issue.

I have known Tedi for years and while there may be personal issues between you and her or other individuals and her, the work she does with animals has ALWAYS been loving, genuine, ethical, legal, etc.
Ive read what people have stated and am so incredibly blown away that other animal lovers and others who have rescue org's would make these accusations without even properly researching.  In addition, I noticed a deplorable facebook page created solely dedicated to "TediSpicer EffedMe".  I could no believe people who claim they are animal lovers would waste their time and energy with something like this.  I was literally embarrassed for everyone who became a "fan" and who were making comments on that page without ANY evidence to base their accusations or remarks.  How cruel, nasty, cold hearted and  inaccurate.  Further, the notes and statements on this page were remarks about animal rescue that I am involved in with Tedi.  She & I work together often as I had stated. Some who do rescue choose to advertise on FB and others choose not to.  I am one who chooses not to & a perfect example is this.

Normally I am not one who feels the need to defend or prove anything but because so many choose to speak out of their asses, I live about 30 minutes away from Tedi and have not only been to her house numerous times but have been involved in placements, home visits, community outreach at local schools and humane societies which involved myself, Tedi, her son, Tedi's father (who for some reason some people are talking shit about and I am not sure why because this man is an amazing person who is an animal lover.)
My name is attached to all these rescue org's being bashed and whatever selfish reasons people are doing this for, I honestly don't care.  It is juvenile, inconsiderate, INNACURATE, and completely against all those who 'claim'  they fight for animals. This isn't high school.  We are adults.  Animals are being helped NOT HURT.  Its time to move on.

Those who are stating they are going to sue Tedi, charge her, who are threatening her etc, need to stop.  What a waste of energy. In addition I have researched the profiles of those who have been threatening her and have noticed that most do not even live in the state of IL and are not aware of the laws here.
Tedi & I work closely with attorneys here in IL who are up to date on animal law and who are also aware of these threats being made to Tedi and to our rescue org's.  I have screen captured, copied, printed and forwarded all the emails sent to Tedi, the fake "TediSpicer" page created, all the notes created to my brother who is and attorney in the states of IL and Florida.  I think what this woman is doing is incredibly selfish and wrong.

Whatever personal issues you have with Tedi please do not involve the rescue work I do with her.  I also hope people choose to have a brain of their own and stop following individuals who don't have any evidence to back up their 'claim' that Tedi is this horrible crack head who abuses animals & is profiting off animals which is probably the most assinine comment I have heard in awhile.

March 2010
(PS---I have this letter as a hard copy in black and white also)

Cheri and a conversation with one of my friends and supporters...

Cheri, she is the "person" who started all of this over 2 private and personal issues between her and I.

(Again, sorry for the blurriness....but I will type out what it says and also post pic.)

Cheri states:
BYW-There are 3 now scrambling to find dogs that Tedi has pulled.  They are very concerned because they have received information no one here has.  They are contacting us with Q's about Tedi.  There is an internal investigation going on and its not looking good.  So if anyone has name of dogs and their location Tedi pulled  will you please email me with the info and I'll forward!

My questions and comments are this:
WHAT shelters specifically?  WHY won't she name them?  Because these are more lies and innuendo.
I have talked to pretty much all of them AFTER the fact and they are NOT worried about me, OR the dogs.
And the fact that she wants you to email HER directly INSTEAD of the shelter....does that not say anything to you?

This next one is a response to the above from a friend and supporter, I have chosen to keep them
anonymous for the time being.  My choice as I know they will get attacked if names are out there.

Friend states:
I was not there for any of this but she DOES have police reports backing up her side of an issue.
I have seen the copies of those on her notes, and I can say that the time she was "allegedly" in jail
recently I personally talked to her on the phone. Im pretyy sure they dont let you take your phone to jail.
I sincerely hope this gets worked out and everybody can go back to saving dogs.

My response is this:
Cheri and DVB were ALWAYS telling people I was in jail.  On a regular basis.
All anyone has to do is check with the jail, not sure if those records are still available however.
Also again, Cheri NEVER posts the EXACT dates she is talking about....but as you will see on the next post, she wants the date YOU have for HER.  Ha...And that is because she is a big LIAR!

Cheri again:
Well XXXXX, I'd like to see that documentation (she had her chance).  And what are the dates you spoke to her on the phone??  Because those dates we have, we never exposed (because its a LIE).  Also the dates we have documented on her MIA, she claimed to be getting chemo (I had breast cancer twice and DO have the medical records to prove it) and couldn't take any calls (have you ever had chemo?).  So now I'm hearing she could take calls (she twists everything to input new meaning for her lies) Really??

My response:
I had chemo treatments (which lasted for a few months each time) two different times.
So when I had a treatment, NO I did NOT want to converse on the phone.  I answered emails or had my son return calls that needed to be returned.  If it was URGENT about a dog I took the call.  Then and only then, I took the call.
Again, notice how she never actually gives out exact dates.  She wanted them from my friend so she could use them to her advantage later.  Thats what she does and what she is good at.

Also, I had a stroke on Jan 25, 2010 at Central DuPage Hospital in Wheaton IL.
I was released on Thursday Jan 28th as I had no insurance and wanted to go home.
My doc agreed as long as I agreed to go for therapy on an outpatient basis.  Which I agreed to.
So on Thursday night I was bored to death, and logged on to see what was happening.
Because of that they claimed very publicly that I never had a stroke and was lying about that and the cancer.
They even went as far as this:  Cheri and DVB told people that my son told people I was lying also.
Now anyone that knows my son knows he would not say that as its a lie.  Not even jokingly would he have said that  And this can all be proven, IF I so desired with my hospital records etc.

Jeremy and another LIE told about me

In January of 2010 I saw a post made by Cheri F on a page they had made up for me (wasn't that sweet?)
Again, I apologize for the blurry pics, until I get a scanner this will have to do....
It states the following:
"I got the email out to Trumball.  Just got a call from Jeremy Collins, the pitbull adoption coordinator for the county in Ohio.  Said she (Tedi) contacted him wanting unaltered pitbulls.  Guess thats confirmation she (me again) is really looking for pits."

Someone who knows me sent this to me right away....
I got on the phone and called this shelter and because Jeremy wasn't in at that moment, so the ACO asked me what it was yes I told her.  She said she had never heard of me, or the fact that I was supposedly looking for any kind of pitbull.
She took my number and had Jeremy call me back a few days later.

He was very nice, and we had a nice long conversation as I had MANY questions and clarifications I needed help with from him, and he said the only thing he could remember about me was the fact that he had gotten 3 emails from 3 women telling him to put me on a "do not adopt" list.
He said he had never talked to me, or had any other dealings with me in any way, shape or form.

Again, another blatant LIE that has come out of this witch hunt for and against me.

He did say I could give his number to the powers that be, if I needed to...which I will be doing.
As he stated,  I never, ever asked for ANY dogs from him, pitbull or otherwise.