Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Link to my main blog....

Please go to my main blog as it explains so much more.....with images there also 
(that are not quite so blurry)...

The link is:

I will also be linking this blog to that one so I can cover all bases....its MY time to speak out!
Without a doubt when "they" see all that I have put out there and exposed, they will start another 
attack on me....let them....there is nothing more they can do to me that would be worse than what they
have already done to our lives.

There are a lot of things starting to "happen", if you will!
I have people that matter offering help as my story (with proof) gets around.
I refuse to let this stand...this is a pack of lies against myself and my family.
I have waited as long as I should have to its my turn.

I have a friend who's buddy is an FBI agent, he has agreed to assist me however he can.
There was the email hacking and the hacking of my deceased fathers back account.
We know who did it....she will know we know in the future as well.
I will be forwarding all info that I have to him and others as the truth needs to be told here.
I have a lot of other info, images, statements, and more that I am just not able to post YET.
When I get the ok they will be posted ....I want everyone to see what has happened here.

I know that not everyone will believe it/me, and thats ok.
But I think all the Cheri and DVB followers out there need to think for a minute as to the
legitimacy of the claims made from them about me.
What physical proof did they have? fact, some of my FB friends that were contacted swearing that I was this horrible animal "abuser" are still waiting for the proof they were told they would get....two and a half years later!  Still waiting....

Even the police report I have in my desk here says things that do NOT add up to what has been said about me online....not even close.  Cant put that up yet, but will as soon as I am told by my attorneys I can.
I WANT to put it up....I want you to see what liars they are!  But I have to be patient....
They only thing anyone has ever had is the word of 3 FB people who had an issue of some kind with me:

Cheri: I owe her money, which she wanted back way before the agreed payment date, and I was unable to pay at that moment.  And also because I would not approve her being on the my board as an exec director.
Cheri has been talking crap and telling blatant LIES about me since November 2008.  She claimed I ROBBED her of her money she sent to me via Paypal!  She offered to lend it to me....when I saw her slamming me for no reason, thats when I told her that she woud never see a penny of that money back.
And I meant it....I warned her to watch what she was saying.
This "woman" has been stalking me and trashing me for 4 YEARS!  Its what others have said to me as being OVERKILL.  Its no longer a matter of  "catching an animal abuser" (which I am NOT), its a personal vendetta....for 2 reasons.  She is STILL trashing me, she is obsessed with me.  What kind of person is this?

DVB:  I "outed" her for being a bad rescue person and a liar, unlike her I HAVE PROOF.  MANY people are aware of this when it comes to DVB.  I also was warned about her by others, but chose to work with her as I though she was nice....she tried to cover her ass with mine.  It worked, temporarily.  Believe me, I will have my day.

RC/HART: She claimed I screwed her on a dog that she pulled, yet I have in black & white her telling me that her foster wanted to adopt him.  So how did I screw her?  I didn't. Oh yeah, and this see Karma already got her!  She is still on MY radar also.

These 3 women started a petition against  me that had approx 142 signatures on it.
Out of the 142 people that signed this pack of lies only 3 live in the state of Illinois.
And I personally knew NONE of them!   Not how is it that they can swear that I was abusing animals?  They had never been to my home, seen my dogs, never met my family...nothing.
In fact, MAY of them live overseas....huh?  You see my point?

And neither had Cheri or DVB.....they were never at my home, nor did they ever express an interest in visiting....I would have made a room available for them, at that time. 

So again, how is it that this has gotten this far?
Most of the women that had posted nasty things about me publicly I THOUGHT were smart women,
its sad that I was so wrong.  I thought they had brains in their as not to be lead into something that was stated by someone who had another agenda.
Instead of focusing on the animals that were dying in the shelters they chose to change the focus to me wit false allegations etc.....all the time dogs were being murdered.  Because I was the talk of the town.
What kind of rescuer is that?

Thank you for reading this far,
Tedi Spicer

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