Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cheri and a conversation with one of my friends and supporters...

Cheri, she is the "person" who started all of this over 2 private and personal issues between her and I.

(Again, sorry for the blurriness....but I will type out what it says and also post pic.)

Cheri states:
BYW-There are 3 now scrambling to find dogs that Tedi has pulled.  They are very concerned because they have received information no one here has.  They are contacting us with Q's about Tedi.  There is an internal investigation going on and its not looking good.  So if anyone has name of dogs and their location Tedi pulled  will you please email me with the info and I'll forward!

My questions and comments are this:
WHAT shelters specifically?  WHY won't she name them?  Because these are more lies and innuendo.
I have talked to pretty much all of them AFTER the fact and they are NOT worried about me, OR the dogs.
And the fact that she wants you to email HER directly INSTEAD of the shelter....does that not say anything to you?

This next one is a response to the above from a friend and supporter, I have chosen to keep them
anonymous for the time being.  My choice as I know they will get attacked if names are out there.

Friend states:
I was not there for any of this but she DOES have police reports backing up her side of an issue.
I have seen the copies of those on her notes, and I can say that the time she was "allegedly" in jail
recently I personally talked to her on the phone. Im pretyy sure they dont let you take your phone to jail.
I sincerely hope this gets worked out and everybody can go back to saving dogs.

My response is this:
Cheri and DVB were ALWAYS telling people I was in jail.  On a regular basis.
All anyone has to do is check with the jail, not sure if those records are still available however.
Also again, Cheri NEVER posts the EXACT dates she is talking about....but as you will see on the next post, she wants the date YOU have for HER.  Ha...And that is because she is a big LIAR!

Cheri again:
Well XXXXX, I'd like to see that documentation (she had her chance).  And what are the dates you spoke to her on the phone??  Because those dates we have, we never exposed (because its a LIE).  Also the dates we have documented on her MIA, she claimed to be getting chemo (I had breast cancer twice and DO have the medical records to prove it) and couldn't take any calls (have you ever had chemo?).  So now I'm hearing she could take calls (she twists everything to input new meaning for her lies) Really??

My response:
I had chemo treatments (which lasted for a few months each time) two different times.
So when I had a treatment, NO I did NOT want to converse on the phone.  I answered emails or had my son return calls that needed to be returned.  If it was URGENT about a dog I took the call.  Then and only then, I took the call.
Again, notice how she never actually gives out exact dates.  She wanted them from my friend so she could use them to her advantage later.  Thats what she does and what she is good at.

Also, I had a stroke on Jan 25, 2010 at Central DuPage Hospital in Wheaton IL.
I was released on Thursday Jan 28th as I had no insurance and wanted to go home.
My doc agreed as long as I agreed to go for therapy on an outpatient basis.  Which I agreed to.
So on Thursday night I was bored to death, and logged on to see what was happening.
Because of that they claimed very publicly that I never had a stroke and was lying about that and the cancer.
They even went as far as this:  Cheri and DVB told people that my son told people I was lying also.
Now anyone that knows my son knows he would not say that as its a lie.  Not even jokingly would he have said that  And this can all be proven, IF I so desired with my hospital records etc.

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